Rather than making 24 deviled eggs (1 dozen cut in half) out of the same recipe, I had some fun and mixed it up. I used starfruit in each but changed the herbs featured in each. So the recipes are for one egg each and are approximate. As you can tell by the photo, dill, oregano and mint were used.
Ingredients per hard boiled egg
1/4 teaspoon greek yogurt (with a pinch of sugar to taste)
1/4 teaspoon starfruit, chopped finely (drain if you like deviled eggs chunky)
for Starfruit oregano deviled eggs

add a pinch of fresh oregano
1/4 teaspoon dijon mustard
for Starfruit mint deviled eggs
add a squirt of Worchester sauce
add a pinch of fresh chopped mint
for Starfruit dill deviled eggs
add a pinch of fresh dill
add a squirt of lime juice
For all the eggs you are 'deviling', add the yogurt and starfruit.
Mix other ingredients as you desire.
*unless you have heart disease or high LDL (“bad”) cholesterol, doctors say you can safely eat one whole egg per day. Check with your doctor to see if eggs are still on your 'bad' list